Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Google throws down the gauntlet...

We all knew it was coming... and it looks like Google is now ready to go head-to-head against the big boy on the block... Microsoft. I can't wait to see how this pans out.

Google is going where no one has gone before, because aside from MS Windows, Microsoft's main money maker is MS Office... by far.

If Google is able to take Microsoft on, and potentially win... well that changes EVERYTHING. I predict that Microsoft will not take this too seriously at first (Steve Balmer does think he is invincible right now) so this will give Google the perfect opportunity to perfect their new Office suite and to roll it out with all the proper tools to help business move away from Microsoft. Then... when it's too late Balmer will wake up and start throwing some incredible amount of money at the problem. Google has a good chance to really change the world here... wow, what a great time to be alive.

ZNET Article

Saturday, 23 June 2007

Drobo storage device... oh my this is cool!

This is the new Drobo USB device that just came out. It is a USB MULTI-DRIVE (raid-like) device that takes standard SATA 3.5" drives. That means that you decide how much space you need (the device comes empty and you get to get your own drives.) The unit takes 4 SATA drives (and they don't even have to be the same size). It stores parady information meaning that it creates a single logical drive (the total of the SATA drives that are installed), and if one dies, you can just pull it out and replace it with a new one getting all your data back!!!! Yes it's very cool.

Also here is the review from Engadget.

Thursday, 21 June 2007

Canon's new EOS-1D Mark III Pro DSLR

As a digital photography fan (yes, just a fan not a nut) and owning one of the best entry level Digital SLR cameras (the Canon Rebel XT, or D350 as it is known in Europe) I was very excited to read about the new EOS-1D Mark III camera that was recently released by Canon.

This is camera of choice for so many professionals and the specs on it are absolutely great. I'm happy to see Canon continue to lead the Digital SLR industry in semi-pro and professional quality cameras.

Even were announced for this great camera. And here are some image samples as well.

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Jaiku How-To Slide show

Here is a slide show specifically designed to show how Jaiku works. It's great for people to get started with Jaiku (Twitter is similar but a little different). 

Great slideshow about Internet Social Networking (with Jaiku)

I found this great slide show and wanted to share it. It talks about social networking on the internet and how different sites work, while others don't. It only touches the tip of the ice burg but I found it very interesting and fun to watch. It's especially good for people who are just getting into Web 2.0

Monday, 18 June 2007

My first 6 months with Vista...

So I got Windows Vista Ultimate with a new laptop back in December. I've been using it since, but also run two other Windows XP computers at home. I thought after 6 months, now is a good time for a quick review.

When I spoke with Microsoft about a new Enterprise Agreement at work, they were VERY aggressive about trying to convince me that the new Microsoft Office 2007 and Windows Vista were simply amazing. Yes I know, does anyone expect anything else from Microsoft? Of course not, but even then... I was very suspicious about Vista since I have not heard, or read ANYTHING that could convince me of this system being revolutionary.

Microsoft kept pushing security and ease-of-use. Problem is that XP gets security updates VERY regularly so I'm not bothered by new holes being constantly discovered, and ease-of-use? XP is already easy to use, it's also solid and has VERY wide support. But, I got the new laptop and Ultimate pre-installed, so I've been using it.

Overall... the only function that I've found remotely useful in Vista has been the search function (since now Vista works like OS X, in that it searches as soon as you start typing. Try out iTunes for Windows to get a taste of this). Other than that here is a list of things I don't like in vista:

-Application stability. My Firefox (for example) LOVES to freeze for about 10 seconds after I start it up. It's very annoying but usually comes back fine. Then, once running it does crash on me. Never bringing the whole system down (thank God) but still how annoying is that?

-Driver support. I can't believe this is STILL an issue after 6 months! It's incredible really and the biggest complaint from me. I don't care who's fault it is... Microsoft for bringing out a new system which is more difficult to make drivers for, or the vendors who are too lazy to update their drivers. What's truly amazing is that this effects the big boys too, HP, Logitech (my webcam still isn't supported), Dell, etc. I don't know what the problem is... but Microsoft should start kicking arse and asking questions later... this is unacceptable!

-Switched menus. Now before you say that its a new OS and you have to get used to things being in different places... I have two things to say to that. 1. it's been 6 months and I still have problems (ok maybe my IQ is so low that learning where new menus are is just difficult for me). 2. If it works, why fix it? I mean the menus were fine in Windows 2000, XP, etc... so why switch them? I haven't heard anyone complain that the menus were particularly difficult to use in the older Windows. Is it perhaps that Microsoft needed to make Vista look more different than it actually is?

-Direct X 10. Technically Microsoft can easily slap all the graphical "enhancements" of Vista into XP, including Direct X 10. They are trying to use the Direct X as a way to force people to upgrade. Direct X is what Windows uses for it's graphical interface, including games. The irony is that games running under Vista run slower, so someone at Microsoft just made the wrong decision on this one.

So overall... Vista looks pretty. And it might be okay for the average home user (not the gamer!) and there is NO REASON to roll it out at work (in fact I'd avoid it like the plague as it has higher hardware spec requirements). I don't know about you... but the new Apple Leopard is looking better and better to me :-) Then again, what Vista has really done for me... is made me fall in love with Windows XP all over again. Thanks Microsoft.

Sunday, 17 June 2007

Gigantic 3000-foot Pyramid Proposed for Tokyo Bay

This would truly be amazing! Looks like the Japanese are thinking of building this SUPER Pyramid/city off the shore of Tokyo Bay. Here are 4 videos explaining this structure... just incredible!




The iPhone is almost here, and so are more specs!


Looks like Apple has officially released new photos and information about the first iPhone.

And it looks like the specs are... normal enough. The new photos do answer questions like (where do I connect the cradle). Also I'm glad the sides (and maybe even the underside) aren't just chromed out. Maybe this way it won't just show every little mark (like fingerprints).

Here is the full story from Gizmodo.com

Thursday, 14 June 2007

Chris Pirillo reviews Safari for Windows

I've been using Safari as well since it was released a couple of days ago and have to agree with most of what Chris is saying here.

http://live.pirillo.com/ / http://chris.pirillo.com/media/

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Apple's secret plans, starting to materialize

So I saw this article on ZDNET called "Apple's plan to replace Vista with OS X - on Wintel" and it all made so much sense. In fact after watching the WWDC it started to be clear then... the addition of Bootcamp with Leopard, and the seamless integration with VMware or Parallels. Just seemed so easy to run Vista/XP on the Mac now. So why would Apple do this? The article goes into more details but essentially they want to take over, and the best way to do this is to sneak in OS X, because, as they are convinced, once you start to use it... your not going back to Vista. At least you won't go back happy.

I think this makes sense, and actually hope its true. I like Mac OS and so far have had pretty bad experiences with Vista. Everything from missing drivers to poor performance. So we'll see how it goes. I guess Vista has made me realize how sit of Windows I am now... XP is good but a six year old OS. How can a company so big, with so much money, not be able to innovate? Too many cooks in the kitchen?

WWDC 2007 Zdnet review...

Well I'm not going to agree with Jason O'Grady on this as he puts a pretty negative spin on WWDC and the lack of hardware. I take it Steve Jobs wanted to focus on Leopard as it is delayed and questions had to be answered (like "is it really going to be worth the wait" kind of questions).

Another article "Leopard looks like... Vista" from Mary Jo Foley (ex-Microsoft Watch currently with Zdnet) tries to compare Leopard to Vista and show that Vista has many of Leopards functions already. I read this and must say, I think she is wrong. Not sure if its because there is a Microsoft bias here or if she just hasn't spent enough time with Vista, but many of the features (like Dashboard and Sidebar, or iChat and MSN Messenger live) might look similar at first glance but someone who has used both will quickly point out how differently they work from each other. Dashboard lets you create your own Widgets while Sidebar forces you to use too much developer code for most peoples tastes. iChat has some great conference calling built in, and the ability to manipulate the background is fun too... Messenger Live, does NOT.

And don't get me started about the 15 (ok ok, I think last count it as 7) different Vista versions, and the split between 32-bit and 64-bit version.

At least she admits she's not an apple user at the end of the article... hold on, neither am I!!!!

Leopard dock resembles Sun's Project Looking Glass?

Apparently according the Engadget, the new Leopard dock is... not as original as Steve Jobs made it out to be. Interestingly enough, this is not the first time Apple has done this...

Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Quick WWDC 2007 roundup

There are so many sites that are doing detailed round ups of the WWDC 2007, which you can now watch here. I just wanted to do a quick roundup (including rating, 1 is the lowest with 5 being the highest):

New iChat functionality (2/5)

Safari on Windows (4/5)

Games on OS X (4/5)

Leopard demo (4/5)

iPhone release date + development (5/5)


Well I think he pulled it off again. Some of these announcements are quite important (even if they don't seem like it at first). The big was Safari and iPhone. This is a GREAT article about why that is very important indeed. (and here is another)

Games on OS X are finally getting another push, I hope it sticks this way. It has been one of the biggest reasons I won't buy a Mac today. Plus everyone knows that the gamers are the crazy people who get video cards that cost as much as the whole PC ;-)

What impressed me about the Leopard are the flashy new features. This is what Vista tried to do so much and (in my opinion) failed. Leopard actually looks VERY VERY pretty, and quite smart. He really let Microsoft have it by showing them... that even though they are so much bigger, and have spent so much more money developing Vista. When it comes to OS design, Apple wins hands down. Oh, and Leopard comes in several flavours... Basic Version : $129, Ultimate Version $129, Business Version $129, Ultimate Version $129... yeah, Microsoft time to get your heads out of your arses and grow up. Having at least 7 versions of the same OS is confusing, expensive, and just plain old stupid. But hey, what can you say about a company that comes up with something as confusing as the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement, Select Agreement, Open Value, Open License, etc. is simply ridiculous. Let me put it this way... if you need to get certified to understand the licensing model... it's TOO CONFUSING. Oh well...

Monday, 11 June 2007

Did you know???

WWDC keynote coming in about 30 minutes...

I'm waiting here for the Keynote to start wondering if ANYONE will have a live video feed... and it just makes me realize how great it is to get excited about technology.

I'll the first to admit that Jobs is a genius presenter who's technique should be taught in schools, but asside from that. I can't wait to see the new products, software, and gadgets (yes I want to see this crazy iPhone working already).

Well I hope great new things will be announce... and if I can't find a vid stream I'll just settle for on the minute blogging.

Powered by ScribeFire.

Thursday, 7 June 2007

Cool Sunglasses Technology

This is so very very cool. I can't wait to get a pair. They should make these for car windows too so when you push the car alarm ARM button, the windows go BLACK. Read the story here, and watch the video for a demo:

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

"I am thrilled about this...."

I like the iPhone one, but the iPod is the true classic!!!

The Star Wars Helpdesk...

...as I've always said. IT is IT, even in a galaxy far far away...

One of the official iPhone Commercials

Wow, it's starting to grow on me... who knows, if the next version is 3G, quad band, 5Megapix camera, WiFi and maybe even GPS antenna built in... Who knows. :-) (hmmm, wait, that's the Nokia N95 and it's out already!!!)

Sir Ken Robinson... one of a kind

It takes a special someone to be able to standup and say how things really are. Most just pretend that everything is fine, we're doing great and no need to change. I'm not talking about negativity, but what I am talking about is taking all of our technology and science, and actually applying it to make real change. Change at the core, at the root... of our technology. If you haven't seen this video yet, please watch it. Think about it, and see what you can do to make sure you don't follow blindly like a bunch of lemmings! Time for some real change.

I've heard Sir Ken Robinson speak before, at a Microsoft event in London about six months ago. He was brilliant then, he's brilliant now. I hope to get to meet him sometime.

Sunday, 3 June 2007

ScribeFire Extention

As I'm trying different tools to write blogs, now I'm looking at a simple Firefox extension ScribeFire. So far it looks good. Simple yet has the options I want including support for multiple blogs as well as good simple formatting abilities. I'll use it for a while and write a better review once I've gotten used to it.

Powered by ScribeFire.

Saturday, 2 June 2007

Great article about HD Movie downloads

Just came across this great article about downloading HD movies over the Internet... and what that actually means. Companies need to stop lying about what HD is...

Why HD movie downloads are a big lie

Gates and Jobs onstage

This is great, too bad it's only the highlights. I would love to have seen the whole thing.

Gates and Jobs together onstage

Friday, 1 June 2007

Messenger Live Beta 8.5...

Well as I wrote in Romek's World... the new Messenger Live Beta 8.5 is out. And while it does look a bit different... so far I can't tell what they have added to it.

The great news is that the A-Patch is already available for this beta... this is VERY important as I cannot stand the adverts inside messenger, plus with the A-Patch you can turn off most of the features if you really want a slim down version.

I just tried it and can confirm that it works!!!!! Life is good again.


My views on Technology

I've decided to break down my world into some parts. This is one of them...

Technology has and will also be, a big part of my life. The reason for this is that I don't believe technology is "taking over the world" but is here as a tool, that we should take advantage of.

Many good things have come from technology and I hope to focus on those. Some succeed, and some fail, but most are at least interesting.

So here we go...