Wednesday, 13 June 2007

WWDC 2007 Zdnet review...

Well I'm not going to agree with Jason O'Grady on this as he puts a pretty negative spin on WWDC and the lack of hardware. I take it Steve Jobs wanted to focus on Leopard as it is delayed and questions had to be answered (like "is it really going to be worth the wait" kind of questions).

Another article "Leopard looks like... Vista" from Mary Jo Foley (ex-Microsoft Watch currently with Zdnet) tries to compare Leopard to Vista and show that Vista has many of Leopards functions already. I read this and must say, I think she is wrong. Not sure if its because there is a Microsoft bias here or if she just hasn't spent enough time with Vista, but many of the features (like Dashboard and Sidebar, or iChat and MSN Messenger live) might look similar at first glance but someone who has used both will quickly point out how differently they work from each other. Dashboard lets you create your own Widgets while Sidebar forces you to use too much developer code for most peoples tastes. iChat has some great conference calling built in, and the ability to manipulate the background is fun too... Messenger Live, does NOT.

And don't get me started about the 15 (ok ok, I think last count it as 7) different Vista versions, and the split between 32-bit and 64-bit version.

At least she admits she's not an apple user at the end of the article... hold on, neither am I!!!!

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