Monday, 6 August 2007

The Fake Steve Jobs... no more...

I wasn't sure where to post this. I mean it's technology related, yet it's also entertainment, and maybe even a little political... but that was what made the Fake Steve Jobs Blog so wonderful. It seemed, if anything else, sincere. Now, thanks to one newspaper reporter (Brad Stone) the blog that everyone was reading (including the real Steve Jobs and Bill Gates) is gone. The unmasking means that the real author can no longer continue to speak freely, and that... I think is a great loss.

I can not understand people like Stone who seem to think they have a right to take matters into their own hands and effect so many people by their obvious need to prove how wonderfully smart they are to everyone. Funny thing is, the people that have to prove themselves are usually the less intelligent ones, with this being the perfect example.

I decided to write Stone and email... here is what I wrote. And I hope the subject sums up how smart I think this guy is...


subject: "Mission Accomplished"


I wanted to say how disappointed I am that you blew Fake Steve Job's cover. It was a fantastic blog, which I (and so many others) enjoyed greatly. Now it is gone, and YOU took it away. I do not understand what benefit it was to reveal who FSJ's is, but I do understand that you have managed to remove some wonderful writing. I hope it wasn't for personal gain, and if it was to show everyone how much smarter you are... well you failed there miserably. As a writer, a journalist, and person... you have done everyone a disservice which I can only hope you regret for a very long time.

You have also shown how badly you can misjudge as a journalist and I do hope you rethink your entire career... perhaps a change in profession is in order, one that doesn't require you to hold too many moral, or ethical standards (so you don't effect so many by your poor distasteful choices).

Here is a couple I thought of would be a good fit:

  • street newspaper sales guy
  • restaurant dish cleaner
  • AOL help desk representative

Hope that helps you out... and THANKS.

Yours sincerely
Peter Romiszewski


Just Passing By said...

OMFG, AOL Help Desk. Peter, your mind, it doesn't stop, does it? That, is priceless.

mpmb said...

let us know if he responds. hee hee!